Polarographic Observations on the Hypertrophied Prostate Tissue

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  • MICHINAKA, Nobuya
    the Departmentof- Dermatologyand Urology, Hiroshima University, Medical School, Hiroshima, Japan

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  • 肥大前立腺組織のPolarograph的観察
  • ヒダイ ゼンリツセン ソシキ ノ Polarographテキ カンサツ

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1) Comparative studies of polarography on the hypertro p hied prostate tissue and physicochemical tests on the serum of the patients with hypertrophied prostate have been undertaken. 2) Height of the protein waves of the hypertrophied prostate tissue was lowered by the order of Filtrate, Native, Digest, and Methanol B. Mucoprotein was more contained in the tissue than serum. However, serum mucoprotein contents of the patients with hypertrophied prostate were within normal limits. 3) Total serum protein, albumin and gl o bulin of the patients with hypertrophied prostate were within normal limits, while those three levels in the extract from the hypertrophied prostate were definitely lower, especially albumin. 4) Administration of female hormone to the patients w ith hypertrophied prostate lowered the high of the protein waves of the tissue in polarography, while in physicochemical tests is resulted in an increase in albumin and slight decrease in globulin. Administration of female hormone to the orchiectomized patients further lowered the height of the protein waves and increased both serum albumin and globulin, consequently increased total serum protein. 5) In serum polarograp h y, administration of female hormone did not produce marked change in the height of the protein waves. However, slight decrease in albumin and increase in globulin were definitely existed, which resulted in an increase in A/G ratio. On the other hand, administration of female hormone to the orchiectomized patients lowered the height of the protein waves but this lowering was almost negligible comparing with that of the hypertrophied prostate tissue.


  • Hinyokika Kiyo

    Hinyokika Kiyo 6 (6), 435-441, 1960-06


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