Binder parameter of a Heisenberg spin-glass model in four dimensions


We studied the phase transition of the ±J Heisenberg model with and without a random anisotropy on four-dimensional lattice L×L×L×(L+1)(L<~9). We showed that the Binder parameters g(L,T)’s for different sizes do not cross even when the anisotropy is present. On the contrary, when a strong anisotropy exists, g(L,T) exhibits a steep negative dip near the spin-glass phase-transition temperature TSG similarly to the p-state infinite-range Potts glass model with p>~3, in which the one-step replica-symmetry breaking (RSB) occurs. We speculated that a one-step RSB-like state occurs below TSG, which breaks the usual crossing behavior of g(L,T).


  • Physical Review B

    Physical Review B 67 (10), 100405-1-100405-4, 2003-01-01

    American Physical Society

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