The Sacred Nourishment of Miyazawa Kenji : A Study on the Paradigms of Nutrition Therapy 10

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  • 宮澤賢治の聖い資糧 : 栄養療法の知的枠組についての研究10
  • ミヤザワ ケンジ ノ セイイシリョウ : エイヨウ リョウホウ ノ チテキ ワクグミ ニ ツイテ ノ ケンキュウ(10)

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This study sought to provide a profile of Miyazawa Kenji that reveals itself against the background of his "luminous" philosophy on eating. It was his sensibility of how animals,such as fish,birds and beasts, destined to be eaten by humans would feel that made him vegetarian. His method in the face of phenomena was to begin "knowing" through intuition in his genuine heart, "mental sketches" as they were, instead of reasoning by means of concepts in his conscious mind. Miyazawa Kenji took intuition in his genuine heart for the real knowing of the principles of yin and yang,which are always in contrast with and complementary to each other, and operate in spiral throughout the universe. He declared his lifelong decision to provide all with sacred nourishment through the publication of the Morning of the Last Farewell. In this work he described his offering of her last food to his beloved sister with a prayer from his heart and a wish that he could offer up all his happiness so that her last food might turn into the ice cream of Heaven and soon bring to her and all others sacred nourishment. What we should learn from Miyazawa Kenji is not to revive the age-old conceptual reasoning of the principles of yin and yang to take the place of formal logic, but to identify in his writings a new philosophy that permits us to know the principles of yin and yang as intuition in one's genuine heart through "mental sketches".




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