トラウマの構造化開示が外傷後ストレス反応とワーキング・メモリ容量に及ぼす影響 : 外傷後ストレス障害の認知モデルに基づく検討

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  • The effects of structured disclosure of trauma on traumatic stress reactions and working memory capacity : An examination based on the cognitive model of posttraumatic stress disorder
  • トラウマ ノ コウゾウカ カイジ ガ ガイショウゴ ストレス ハンノウ ト ワーキング メモリ ヨウリョウ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ : ガイショウゴ ストレス ショウガイ ノ ニンチ モデル ニ モトズク ケントウ

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The purpose of this study was to compare health and cognitive functioning among disclosure structured to enhance the cognitive restructuring (i.e. structured disclosure), disclosure about emotions and thoughts freely (i.e. free disclosure), and neutral disclosure conditions. Healthy undergraduates (n=41) at 9 or more scores of Impact of Event Scale (IES) , which measures posttraumatic stress reactions (PTSR), were participants. All the participants were asked to write for 20 minutes on 3 days. Participants in the structured disclosure group (n=14) were asked to write adaptive thought of the event. The free disclosure group (n=13) wrote the deepest emotion and thought about the trauma freely. The control group (n=14) wrote their plan after the experiment without emotion. Results indicated that only the structured disclosure condition evidenced significantly increased working memory capacity (WMC), measured by operation span task, from pre assessment to 1month follow-up assessment. All the participants in the groups revealed significantly improvement in IES score from pre assessment to 1 month follow-up assessment. It is suggested that structured disclosure increases cognitive functioning.


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