潮流に乗って : 第二次世界大戦後のモンタペルティ現象


  • Drifting with the Tide : the Montaperti Phenomenon after the Second World War
  • チョウリュウ ニ ノッテ ダイ2ジ セカイ タイセンゴ ノ モンタペルティ ゲンショウ



In the first chapter, I traced the process of Germany, Italy, and Japan in the Second World War. They experienced miserable defeats, had to confront with critical situations, and lost some of their territory. But all of the three countries achieved miraculous economic success in the fifties and sixties of the last century. I believe that these are typical examples of the Montaperti Phenomenon, and examined the cases one by one. In the second chapter, to isolate the fundamental conditions for the Montaperti Phenomenon, I studied the common characteristics of the three countries. It was indispensable to clarify the difference of the situations after World War I from those after World War II, because after World War I the Weimar Republic perished due to economic problems. The studies of G. J. Ikenberry on the rebuilding of order by the conquerors after major wars were very useful. I grasped three fundamental condithions common to the three countries as follows. I. Before the defeat, all were aggressive and militaristic countries devoted to war. II. After the defeat, they were liberated from militaristic tyranny to become free and liberal democracies. III. AII of them were invited to participate in the Western bloc in which they could trade and earn freely by the institutions built mainly by the United States of America. After World War II, Japan constructed a system to catch up with the American economy, which infected other Asian countries and changed them profoundly.






  • 国際文化論集

    国際文化論集 (41), 35-104, 2009-12-22

    和泉 : 桃山学院大学総合研究所

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