An Analytical Study of Domestic Homicide by Female in Japan : The Inhibiting Factors of the Self-Actualization


  • Analytical Study of Domestic Homicide by Female in Japan The Inhibiting Factors of the Self Actualization
  • 日本女性による家族殺人の分析的研究 : 自己実現を阻む要因
  • ニホン ジョセイ ニ ヨル カゾク サツジン ノ ブンセキ テキ ケンキュウ ジコ ジツゲン オ ハバム ヨウイン





Objective: An examination of the Japanese female crimes would contribute to understanding the recent rise of cruel events as filicide, spousal homicide etc. Methods: Eight forensic psychiatric test cases were examined in detail from the perspective of "self-actualization". Result: The main results are as follows; (1)attempted suicides and attempted extended suicides were frequent in the cases that have the history of psychiatric disorders. (2)Depressive states just before the crime were often seen. (3)The replacement of the subject occurred especially often in the cases that killed their own children. And then the classification of domestic homicide was done based on the two axes of "the degree of replacement of the subject in self-actualization" and "the degree of the crisis in the self-actualization". They are "Replace-collapse type", "Involving type", "Fettering-off type", "Irrelevant type". Discussion: The depressive states and substitute of self-actualization were found to be important concerning the pathology of crimes in Japanese female. The results may suggest that the tendency toward mother-child over-identification in Japan tends to prevent both mother and child from the personality maturation.


  • 総合福祉

    総合福祉 2 83-92, 2005-03

    さいたま : 浦和大学総合福祉学部

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