Decolorization mechanism of metal complex dyestuff I : EDTA treatment of cloth dyed with premetalyzed dye.

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  • 金属錯体染料の脱色機構 I : 含金属染料による染色布のEDTA処理
  • キンゾク サクタイ センリョウ ノ ダッショク キコウ 1 ガン キンゾク セ

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The decolorization of silk cloth dyed with premetalized dye was studied by the dipping treatment of the cloth into the solution containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) at pH 5-12.5 and at 75℃. The degree of decolorization increased with pH value and decreased with EDTA concentration except the very dilute EDTA concentration region. The metal ion bound between silk fiber and dye molecule was caught by EDTA anion rapidly, and the dye molecule was reduced gradually and eliminated from the silk fiber into the solution.


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