Relationship between Soybean Seed Germination Capacity and Storage Conditions.

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To improve soybean seed storage, we studied the effect of storage conditions (an average temperature of about 15 deg C, 60 to 70% relative humidity) on the germination capacity of Fukuyutaka soybean seeds after 1 or 2 years of storage. Soybean seeds were stored under these conditions for 1 year, regardless of seed size, and were then stored at room temperature for 1 year, until September of the year after harvesting, and were then stored at room temperature for an additional year until the following September. Seeds that had been stored for 1 year at room temperature since the previous August showed a much lower germination rate (<80%). After 2 years of storage at 15 deg C temperature, the germination rate was similarly low (<80%). Seeds stored for 1 year at 15 deg C and then sown, and there was no yield or quality difference between seeds stored under 1 year at 15 deg C and Previous annual seed. Based on these results, the seeds of Fukuyutaka can be stored at 15 deg C for 1 year without storage at room temperature, and the germination rate will remain high (>90%).


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