

  • アン ブラッドストリート ノ Contemplations オ ヨム
  • Ann Bradstreet's ‘Contemplations' ?Her SpirituaI Autobiography ?



Most readers agree that Ann Bradstreet's "Contemplations" is the best and the most skillful of her longer poems. Not only that,it is also favored as the most significant and appealing in all her work. There is a disagreement, however,in the contemporary critical opinion as to the precise nature of the poem. Those who stress her Puritanism find"Contemplations" a typical poem of religious meditation in the seventeenth century. Others point to another kind of sensibility : a romantic view of nature close to that of English Romanticism. The present paper attempts to reveal the patterns of form of the poem and the meaning, and concludes that "Contemplations" was written precisely in the traditional pattern of meditation,the main theme being centered upon "mortality" and "immortality". A closer reading shows that although the meditation includes her usual development from "what she feels"to "what she should feel",the conflict of choice is not a painful one nor does the latter give a forced impression. The first part of the poem is devoted to the kind of genuine delight of nature in which we can assume an anticipation of the Romantic poets. Yet,after the rather sudden realization of the poet of the mortality of nature and immortality of man, nature is viewed and expressed in terms of emblematic literature. The purpose of this paper is to stress that these three aspects of nature? nature as a genuine delight, its mortality,and nature as an emblem of God's glory? are the necessary steps of the poet in her quest for faith and to sing God's praises."Contemplations" is the singular expression of religious conversion and also the spiritual autobiography of Ann Bradstreet as a poet.


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