友人ネットワークサイズと社会的自尊心の関連 : 日米大学生の比較


  • ユウジン ネットワークサイズ ト シャカイテキ ジソンシン ノ カンレン : ニチベイ ダイガクセイ ノ ヒカク
  • The relationship between friendship network size and social self-esteem : Comparison between Japanese and American university students




Some researches pointed out that friendship network size relates to self-esteem. In this study, we focus on the relationship between friendship network size and social self-esteem, and compare this relationship between Japanese students and American students. 169 Japanese respondents and 220 American respondents were recruited on this research. Range of 18-22 age were screened from these respondents. Mean number of friends and number of close friends in America were larger than in Japan. This result means the size of friendship network in America is bigger than the size of it in Japan. Social self-esteem(SSE)scale featured in this study showed high reliability and validity. Correlation coefficient between SSE and the size of friendship network in Japan showed significant positive score. On the other hand, correlation coefficient between these two scores in America were relatively lower than Japan. These results implicate that the positive relationship between size of friendship network and social self-esteem is stronger in Japan than in America.


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