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- Features of Elementary School Student Daily Lives Behaviors in Different Seasons in Snowing Regions as Shown in Time-use survey
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家庭科教育では自立した生活者の育成を目指し、子ども自身が自分の生活実態をふまえてそこから課題を見つけ、解決方法を考え実行することを重視している。しかし小学生自身が自分の生活を客観的に把握することは容易ではない。さらに授業を構築する教師自身も子どもたちの生活を十分に理解しているとは言い難い。自分の生活をとらえる一つの方法として生活時間調査があり、家庭科の学習でも用いることを学習指導要領でも示している。そこで、生活時間調査を用いて、降雪地域の小学生の生活実態の特徴を探ることとした。生活は地域の環境や家族の生活に影響を受けることが考えられることから、降雪前と降雪後の2 回、小学校5・6 年生を対象に生活時間調査を実施し、降雪の影響を探った。特に降雪は農家の生活に影響が大きいと考え、農村地域と市街地域の学校に分け比較した。 降雪による影響は戸外活動の時間が少なくなり室内での活動や趣味・娯楽の時間が増えることや買い物時間が減ることなどに現れていた。 農村地域の児童には降雪時期にかかわりなく労働時間があるが、市街地域の学校の児童には労働時間がない。農村地域の学校の児童は、降雪前の農繁期に家の農作業を手伝う児童が一定数おり、降雪後の農閑期も手伝っていることが明らかとなった。一方で平日では、降雪前後の生活行動に大きな違いが見られず、家の仕事よりも学校のほうが、児童の生活行動に大きな影響を与えていることもわかった。 これらの実態を踏まえて、児童も教師も様々な生活の課題、特に生活時間の学習において課題を見つけ解決をはかる力を身に付け、よりよい生活を創造していくことが必要であることが明らかとなった。 Home economics education focuses on cultivating the capacity to live independently, through having children identify their own issues based on their own actual lives, think of solutions, and carry them out. However, it is not easy for elementary school students themselves to achieve an objective grasp of their own lifestyles. Nor, as well, can the teachers constructing the classes be said to have a full understanding of the children’s lifestyles. Time-use surveys are one method of grasping individual lifestyles, and are indicated for use in home economics study in the Courses of Study as well. Here, time-use surveys were adopted to explore the characteristics of the actual lives of elementary school students in snowy areas. Based on the expected influences on lifestyles due to regional environments and family life, time use surveys were conducted for fifth and sixth graders twice, once before and once after snowfall, to explore the influence of the snow. As farming households were thought to be especially influenced by snow, schools in rural villages and residential areas were separated for comparison. The effects of snowfall were found to reduce time spent outdoors and to increase time spent on indoor activities, hobbies, and leisure, as well as reducing shopping time. While time spent working was unaffected by the snowfall period for children in rural villages,those at schools in residential areas spent no comparable time working. A fixed number of children at schools in rural villages helped their families with farm work during the farming season before the snow, and were found to help during the off season after the snow as well. Elsewhere, no major lifestyle behavior differences were found on weekdays, indicating that school had a greater influence on children’s lifestyle behavior than household-related work. These results show that both children and teachers need to acquire the ability to identify and solve various lifestyle problems, in particular those relating to lifestyle time for study, and to create better lives.
- 弘前大学大学院地域社会研究科年報
弘前大学大学院地域社会研究科年報 16 21-35, 2020-03-25
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050003824770611072
- NII Article ID
- 120006842312
- NII Book ID
- AA12016218
- 13498282
- 10129/00007046
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles