Author,Title,Journal,ISSN,Publisher,Date,Volume,Number,Page,URL,URL(DOI) "SATO, Yuzo and SHIGA, Katsuhiro and OGURI, Kimiko and MAKI, Yasunori and MANZAI, Tomoko and HOTTA, Nigishi and KAWAMURA, Takahiko and NAKAMURA, Jiro and OHSAWA, Isao and KAKUTA, Hironobu and MARUYAMA, Shinji","Epidemiology of the Foot Appearance Abnormality in Diabetic Patients and Diabetic Polyneuropathy (DPN) in the Aichi Prefecture: A Survey of 7,500 Patients —Aichi Prefecture Promotion Council for Diabetes Prevention and Countermeasures—",Journal of the Institute for Psychological and Physical Science,18835724,愛知学院大学心身科学研究所,2009-03,1,1,49-56,,