著者名,論文名,雑誌名,ISSN,出版者名,出版日付,巻,号,ページ,URL,URL(DOI) "仙石, 多美 and 石崎, 達郎 and 後藤, 禎人 and 岩尾, 友秀 and 大寺, 祥佑 and 酒井, 未知 and 加藤, 源太 and 中山, 健夫 and 高橋, 由光","Prevalence of type 2 diabetes by age, sex and geographical area among two million public assistance recipients in Japan: a cross-sectional study using a nationally representative claims database",Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,0143-005X,BMJ,2022-04,76,4,391-397,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1050010293277746432,https://doi.org/10.1136/jech-2020-216158