日本の「女の歴史」と琉球・沖縄 -山路愛山の社会史研究-

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  • Japanese Women's History and Ryukyu/Okinawa -Yamaji Aizan's Study of Social History-
  • ニホン ノ 「 オンナ ノ レキシ 」 ト リュウキュウ ・ オキナワ : ヤマミチアイサン ノ シャカイシ ケンキュウ




Yamaji Aizan, a journalist of the Meiji and Taisho periods, studied the social lives of women in Japan and its 'neighbouring regions' such as Ryukyu and published historical essays which preceded the rise of social history in the post-war period. Like Iha Fuyu, the father of Okinawan studies, Yamaji argued in favour of the theory that Ryukyuans and Japanese shared common ancestors and accepted 'the Disposition of Ryukyu' (Ryukyu Shobun) as a reality. However, he did not simply hold an 'imperialist' view of Okinawa, but stressed the role of women in trade and religion on the Japanese islands including Ryukyu. He criticised the commonly-accepted theory that patriarchy, which had been considered as the basis of the ideology of 'good wife and wise mother', was 'unique' to Japan since the foundation of the state. In this paper, I will suggest that Yamaji had high regard for the achievements of Arai Hakuseki, who emphasised the social role of women in history, and included Japan's 'neighbouring regions' such as Ryukyu in his study of Japanese history. In doing so, I will clarify that Yamaji criticised the stereotyped image of Japanese women based on Confucianism and advocated the necessity of liberating women.



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