Aspects of commitment in modern psychotherapy ─Loss of originality and template─


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  • 現代の心理療法における「コミットメント」をめぐる諸相─オリジナルとテンプレート─

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In an advanced information society, sacred places and unexplored places, which were once the recipients of projections at the mind, are shared and consumed by many people, and as a result, the real places where individuals can experience a reality where they project their inner worlds are are disappearing all over the world. The story of an individualʼs myth is originally nurtured through experiences in which the deep parts of oneʼs mind are stirred by emotions and feelings, but it has become difficult to obtain such experiences. This can also be interpreted as the absence of others who a factor in forming individuality. A world without others makes people feel anxiety, and as a result, people begin to live in a narrow world that is visible in their real lives. In a world where others are absent, there is a possibility that the story of an individualʼs myth will be formed through the repetition of a certain template format, such as the story of Vocaloid or Isekai story, through which “commitment” will arise and be formed.


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