Author,Title,Journal,ISSN,Publisher,Date,Volume,Number,Page,URL,URL(DOI) "大橋, 昂平 and 永谷, 幸裕 and 吉越, 慎 and 岩井, 馨平 and 木田, 友佳子 and Ohashi, Kohei and NAGATANI, Yukihiro and YOSHIGOE, Makoto and IWAI, Kyohei and TSUCHIYA, Keiko and HINO, Atsunobu and KIDA, Yukako and YAMAZAKI, Asumi and ISHIDA, Takayuki",Applicability Evaluation of Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment Methods for Computed Tomography Images,Journal of Digital Imaging,0897-1889,Institute for Ionics,2023-08-07,36,6,2623-2634,,