食品のフレバー及び酸化変敗の測定に用いられる2-TBA法の問題点と, γ-線照射した生揚げへの適用


  • ショクヒン ノ フレバー オヨビ サンカ ヘンパイ ノ ソクテイ ニ モチイラレル 2-TBAホウ ノ モンダイテン ト γ-セン ショウシャ シタ ナマアゲ エノ テキヨウ
  • Problems concerning the 2-Thiobarbituric Acid Method used for Measurement of Flavor or Oxidative Rancidity of Foodstuffs and Its Application to γ-Ray Irradiated Fried Tofu



1. 2-TBA法は食品のフレバーや変敗の測定に広く使用されているが, 多くの未解決の問題があるので, これらを指適した。即ち, 溶媒, 酸触媒, 障害物質及び530mμ以外の吸収波長等注意を払わなければならない点がある。 / 2. これらの問題点を考慮し, この方法をγ-線照射揚げに適用し, 最も簡便であると思われる方法を考えた。即ち検体としては生揚げ中実の抽出油より水層部を用い, TCAを除蛋白の為及び触媒として添加し, TBA反応を行い, 450μ及び540mμの波長で吸光値を測定する。 / 3. TBA反応に類似するカルボニル定量法を比較検討したが, TBA法が現在では最も簡単な方法ではないかと考えられる。

Although the 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) method has been employed widely for the determination of flavors and oxidative randicity of foodstuffs, there remain many problems to be solved such as effects of solvents, acid catalysts, interfereing substances, reaction conditions, and sbsorption maxima other than 530mμ, which is generally used for the measurement of malonaldehyde. In application of the method to the determination of offflavors induced by γ-ray irradiation and rancidity of freid Tofu, these problems were taken into consideration in developing a method thst appears to be satisfactory; an aliquot of the aqueous pressed juice of the meat, instead of the oil extract, was treated with a 10% solution of TCA, the mixture centrifuged, the clear solution treated with 10mg. of TBA crystals at 60℃ for 40min., and the optical density of a pink colored solution was measured at both 450 and 540 mμ. Other methods of determination of carbonyl compounds which have been used or newly introduced were considered but the TBA method sppears to be the most convenient one at the present time.


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