産業拠点におけるアプリケーション開発者育成政策の研究 : 岐阜県大垣市のソフトピアジャパンを事例に

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  • サンギョウ キョテン ニオケル アプリケーション カイハツシャ イクセイ セイサク ノ ケンキュウ ギフケン オオガキシ ノ ソフトピア ジャパン オ ジレイ ニ
  • An Study on the Human Resource Development Policy of Application Software Creators in Technology Center : In Case of `Softpia Japan' in Ogaki City, Gifu Prefecture

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As smart phones and tablet PC's have become popular among many people and the development of their sortware and applications has become more and more important, fostering the manpower for the development has become a social issue. In this research, we have chosen the case of "Softpia Japan" project initiated by Gifu Prefecture of Japan and suggest that both gathering talented people with various and profound expertise and people with knowledge and skills that are characterized as "cultural/artistic" and establishing an environment where those people can strengthen relationships and exchange information are effective means of fostering creative talents who are wanted by software and application development sector. ......


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