Learner Autonomy in Language Education : A Cross-Cultural Perspective


  • 言語教育におけるラーナー・オートノミー : 異文化間の視点から
  • ゲンゴ キョウイク ニオケル ラーナー オートノミー イブンカカン ノ シテンカラ



In recent years, the importance of developing learner autonomy in language education has been one of its more prominent themes in Japan as well as in the West. In spite of agreement concerning its importance, there remains a good deal of uncertainty about its meaning in teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL). This paper aims to consider the concept of learner autonomy amongst different cultures. Autonomy has a social as well as an individual dimension. The promotion of learner autonomy has a political as well as psychological dimension. Autonomy is interpreted differently by different cultures. Japanese teachers of English should playa variety of new roles and promote autonomous interdependence in the learnercentered communicative classroom.


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