Ex Post Facto Analysis : A Method of Evaluate the Accuracy of Population Projection Estimated in 1970 for the 1990 Spatial Population Distribution in the North Central Texas Region of the US

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  • Ex Post Facto Analysis: A Method to Evaluate the Accuracy of Population Projection Estimated in 1970 for the 1990 Spatial Population Distribution in the North Central Texas Region of the US

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In 1968, the Regional Science Research lnstitute(RSAI)in Philadelphia was asked by the North Central Texas Council of Govemments(NCTCOG)to esti皿ate the impact of the proposed construction of the Dallas!Fort Worth lnternatiop. al Airport on the socio-economic variables in the lO-county NCTCOG region, in order to provide local governments with information needed to form their basic policies. In 1970,the RSRI published its estimates of population in both 1975 and 1990 fbr the 80 subareas of the NCTCOG region. This paper conducts an ex post facto analysis to evaluate the accuracy of the l990 population projection estimated by the RSRI. For this purpose, an index of judgment J2 is proposed as a measure to indicate the degree of fitness of the pr()j ec ted values to the actual values. This index is a conceptual outgrowth of the coefficient of detemlination R 2, but can be apPlied to different situations which the traditional R 2 can not.


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