「生きる力」を伸ばす高等学校における道徳教育の在り方 --「ゆとり教育」の潮流と青年期の道徳性発達について--


  • The Need to Remake High School Moral Education in Order to Augment Young People's Zest for Living: The Current Yutori(Pressure-free) Education and Morality Development in Youth
  • イキル チカラ オ ノバス コウトウ ガッコウ ニ オケル ドウトク キョウイク ノ アリカタ ユトリ キョウイク ノ チョウリュウ ト セイネンキ ノ ドウトクセイ ハッタツ ニ ツイテ



Abstract This study considers the relationship between the government mandated yutori curriculum(education which aims at developing individual talent rather than learning by rote)and moral education, which is the basis of the curriculum. In addition, the authors propose some changes in the system of high school moral education. First, the authors point out that moral education played a key role in promoting zest for life among elementary and junior high school students. Second, we point out that establishing their identity is of great importance for high school students, as Eduard Spranger's "Conscience education" suggests. The state of children who have been taught under the yutori curriculum further suggest that high school students need moral education. Erik Erikson's Identity formation theory and Abraham Maslow's desire development theory lend further support. We conclude that high school students, like elementary school students, need overall moral education based on various activities that stress the relationship between students' own experiences and morality.




  • 學苑

    學苑 848 24-41, 2011-06-01

    東京 : 光葉会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

