アジア太平洋地域における中国産林産物貿易構造とその規定要因 -アジア国際産業連関表に基づく分析-


  • China's forest products trade and its influencing factors: A structural analysis based on the Asian International Input-Output Table
  • アジア タイヘイヨウ チイキ ニ オケル チュウゴクサン リンサンブツ ボウエキ コウゾウ ト ソノ キテイ ヨウイン : アジア コクサイ サンギョウ レンカンヒョウ ニ モトズク ブンセキ



China is one of the major consumers of forest products, and its trade with developed countries has vastly expanded after it joined the WTO and abolished tariffs. The structure of China's import and export trade of forest products has also greatly changed alongside rapid economic growth. In this study, we focus on China's forest products trade with its main trading partners. By analyzing these trade patterns based on the Asian International Input-Output Table and the Japan-China International Input-Output Table, this study shows that the contribution of inter-industry and intra-industry trade in the forest products sector in the world market has changed. We use a gravity model and the general multiple regression method to analyze and identify the factors that contribute to trade expansion and influence the structure of the forest products sector. In addition, based on the Japan-China International Input-Output Table, we clarify that intra-industry trade in the rural industry and forest products sectors between the two countries had been intensified by the event of Beijing Olympics in 2008.


  • 生物資源経済研究

    生物資源経済研究 19 13-31, 2014-03-25




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