Oscillatory Neural Networks: an Evolutionary Perspective


  • Oscillatory Neural Network: an Evolutionary Perspective



Motor patterns of the stomatogastric ganglion neurons of the shrimp Penaeus japonicus were studied in semi-isolated preparations of the complete stomatogastric nervous system. The oscillatory neural network can generate flexible motor patterns under the influence of extrinsic inputs from the higher center. Some neurons of the pyloric network are enhanced in their burstiness by excitatory synaptic input from the brain. They construct the cardiac sac pattern generator together with the cardiac sac dilator neurons. The gastric-pyloric pattern is organized by coordination between inputs from the commissural ganglia and their target neurons in the STG. Complete cessation of the pyloric rhythm results in turning on the gastric rhythm. Proctolin and octopamine of neuromodulators can initiate the gastric rhythm. Neurons of the STG provide part of a single neural network from which they can be assembled for configuration of the pattern generators under the appropriate modulatory conditions. Comparative analyses of the stomatogastric system have been made for understanding evolutionary trends of the peripheral motor system and the central neural network.


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