Author,Title,Journal,ISSN,Publisher,Date,Volume,Number,Page,URL,URL(DOI) "Matsumura, Masafumi and Terao, Toru and Isoda, Makoto and Takahashi, Naoshi and Aoki, Takaaki and Ohura, Miyuki and Sasaki, Nobuyuki and Takagi, Yumiko and Komori, Hirofumi and Takahashi, Chika and Matsumoto, Kazunori and Shinohara, Wataru and Hieda, Mika and Kitabayashi, Masahiro and Ryu, Jumpei",Study of recent science textbooks for junior high school students : Clarification of new issues for science teachers' training,"Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kagawa University. Part II",03893057,香川大学教育学部,2014-03-31,64,1,5-25,,