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  • 汁液分析によるトマトのセル成型苗の栄養診断 : (第2報)液肥中のN, P, Kの濃度がトマトおよびミニトマトの汁液分析値に及ぼす影響
  • ジュウエキ ブンセキ ニヨル トマト ノ セル セイケイ ナエ ノ エイヨウ
  • The Diagnosis of Tomato Plug Seedling by the Extracted Sap Analysis : 2. The Effect of the N, P, K Concentration in the Nutrient Solution on the Mineral Concentration in the Extracted Sap of Tomato and Cherry Tomato Plug Seedling

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ミニトマトおよびトマトセル成型苗を用い, 灌液組成・濃度が汁液中無機成分濃度に及ぼす影響を調査し, 栄養診断の基準値を検討した.ミニトマト, トマトにおいて, P, Kについては施用量と汁液中濃度に比較的明確な関連があったが, 窒素については施用量が少くても, 必ずしも汁液中窒素濃度に反映されないことが明らかとなった.しかしながら, Nが不足すると汁液中PO_4-P濃度の増加が認められた.従って, 本実験の範囲では, 汁液分析による栄養診断における汁液中無機成分濃度の基準値を以下のように考えた.窒素:PO_4-P濃度として500〜1000ppmであり, NO_3-Nより高いこと。リン:約150〜200ppm。カリウム:1100ppm前後。

The effect of specific nutrient concentration on mineral concentration in the extracted plant sap was investigated, and the determination of the standard value for the diagnosis of tomato and cherry type tomato plug seedlings were examined. For both tomato and cherry tomato, P and K concentrations in the extracted sap had relations with the applied P and K concentration. N concentration in the extracted sap, however, did not decrease when the applied N concentration decreased. However, the lack of N resulted in the increase of P concentration in the sap. In conclusion, the standard value in the extracted sap for the diagnosis by fresh weight base can be said to be as follows. N lack: P concentration is higher than N concentration, ranging from 500 to 1000ppm. P lack: About 150〜200ppm. K lack: About 1100ppm.

source:The technical bulletin of Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University


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