

  • ミヤザワ ケンジ サクヒン ノ キショウ ショクブツ ニ ミル サトヤマ ノ ヘンカ
  • The Vegetational Change in Satoyama (Secondary Vegetation) in Iwate Prefecture Caused by Alternation of Human Management : The Reconstruction of Vegetation in 1920's Estimated from Kenji Miyazawa's Works





かつて生活や生産のための資源として利用され管理・維持されてきた里山が、現在いろいろな方面から注目され、その保全のための研究、管理の実践運動、地域資源としての景観評価が試みられている。 ほぼ80年前に活躍した宮沢賢治は多くの文学作品を残したが、そこには、その後岩手県域でリストアップされた希少植物も登場する。その多くは草地、二次林、溜め池、河川などの里山に生育していた植物である。 作品中の希少種を手掛かりとして、1910年代後半から1920年代の岩手県における、草地を中心にした里山植生のダイナミズムを復元した。この80年間に植生が大きく変化した原因は、人々の生活と生産が里山依存を弱めた結果、植生管理が放棄されたことにある。シバ草地やススキ草地の遷移により、遷移初期相に適応した植物(オキナグサ、キキョウ、オミナエシなど)が衰退し、消滅した。また、サクラソウは管理が放棄された薪炭林や農用林の林冠層が発達した結果、林床の光環境が悪化して衰退した。

Satoyama is commonly defined as a rural landscape formed by some types of coppice forest, semi-natural grassland, riparian vegetation, farm pond and so on. This landscape have historically developed and maintained for long by human managements, such as cutting of small-sized wood for logs and materials of charcoals, grazing horses and cattle in summer, cropping grass for mow in winter and prescribed burning for regeneration of grass or to control weeds. Changes since 1960's in forestry, agriculture, livestock farming and fuel and materials for our daily life have substantially altered the external relationships between vegetations and human managements in satoyama landscape. Especially, most meadows and pastures have altered from semi-natural grassland to cultivated grassland covered with alien species. Many natural species have reduced and several ones have been noted being into endangered species. Kenji Miyazawa who had mainly worked in 1920's, described many plants in his novels and poems. Most of those plants are widely distributed in satoyama landscape. Several plants of them are listed under the reduced or endangered species in Iwate Prefecture in "Iwate Red Data Book" published in 2001. Pulsatilla cernua is a typical endangered species at present, however, it found commonly at grassland at that time. Platycodon grandiflorum and Iris sanguinea, Patrinia scabiosaefolia and Lithosperum officinale have reduced. These species occur at an early stage of grassland succession originated from disturbances such as cropping and burning. The reducing factor of Primula sieboldii is probably deterioration in light condition of coppice forest floor affected by developing of canopy layer.




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