月経前症候群が学校生活に及ぼす影響について -大学女子学生308名の調査より-


  • ゲッケイ ゼン ショウコウグン ガ ガッコウ セイカツ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ ニ ツイテ ダイガク ジョシ ガクセイ 308メイ ノ チョウサ ヨリ
  • Disturbances Caused by Premenstrual Syndrome among College Female Students



Using a questionnaire which asseses premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea symptoms, we investigated 308 college female students in December, 2001. Ninety-nine percent of these students were suffering from premenstrual syndrome, and all students were suffering from dysmenorrhea symptoms. Comparing symtoms of premenstrual syndrome with dysmenorrhea, there are a lot of somatic symptoms in both conditions, but premenstrual syndrome has more mental symptoms than dysmenorrhea. Symptomatically, it is recognised that symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are different from symptoms of dysmenorrhea. In daily and school life, seventy nine percent of these students were disturbed by premenstrual syndrome. It is necessary that not only dysmenorrhea but also premenstrual syndrome are taught to school children in school health education and mental counseling.


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