AI 時代における教育 ~Society 5.0とSDGsの提言を踏まえて~


  • Education in the AI era -Based on the recommendations of Society 5.0 and SDGs-
  • AI ジダイ ニ オケル キョウイク : Society5.0 ト SDGs ノ テイゲン オ フマエテ



Society 5.0 における教育を考えるシリーズを続けてきたが、最近ではSODsが示され、社会のあり方を再検討する提言がなされている。この流れの中で、本論では、AI 時代の教育のあり方を明らかにすることを目的 とする。第1章では語学教育から、第2章では数学教育から、第3章では教簑教育からの検討を行った。

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the ideal way of education in the AI era.We have continued the series for study on education system in Society 5.0. Moreover, we include SDGs in our study. SDGs (the sustainable development goals) were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly. The goals are a collection of 17 interlinked goals designed to have a world that we want in the future. In section 1, Shigemitsu shows how 'International communication seminar' offered in Tokyo Polytechnic University contributes to SDGs and EDS. In section 2, Ueno argues that teachers are tired of many educational reforms and explores the possibility of creating new learning places for children guided by the pure joy of mathematics. In section 3 ,Ozawa examines the relationship between humans, technology, and the tools that technology produces from the viewpoint of liberal arts education.


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