Effects and Achievements of Special Purpose Policies in General University Educational Reforms : Focusing on the Evaluations for COC/COC+ Programs and Each University Situations

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  • 大学の特定事業支援政策が全学的な教育改革を惹起する効果とその到達点 : 「地(知)の拠点大学」事業(COC / COC+)の評価と実際の達成度

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Today in Japan, there are many policies in place to support specific projects at universities. However, those policies intend not only supporting specific projects, but also triggering university-wide educational reform. The purposes of this paper are, (1) what kind of results were achieved in the university-wide education reform as the effects of such policies, (2) what are the common points of the successful universities, (3) if the results are not sufficient, it is necessary to clarify where the problems were. To verify them, this paper focuses on the national universities adopted for COC/COC+ (COC : Center of Community) projects. To reach the goal of this paper, analyzing how such“ hidden policy-intentions” were realized or not realized at those universities. Then the conclusions are as follows; (1) Many universities have achieved certain results, such as university-wide curriculum reforms and reallocation of educational resources throughout the university. (2) At the universities with successful results, university-wide decision-making and consensus building have been well-made. (3) At universities with not-successful results, it was speculated that university-wide decision-making and consensus building were vulnerable, and that university-wide curriculum reforms and redistribution of educational resources seemed to be delayed.


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