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- ホノルル マラソン サンカシャ ノ ジュンビ ジョウキョウ ト レース ノ ジッタイ ニ カンスル チョウサ ケンキュウ
- A Research on Participants of Honolulu Marathon Regarding the Preparation and Actual Condition of the Race
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This paper intends to describe the results of a questionnaire survey conducted among the participants of the 34th Honolulu Marathon that was held on 11th of December, 2005 in Hawaii. Before the event, most of the participants from Tokushima Prefecture took part in the training programs offered through local extra-mural courses, and the survey was carried out among this type of people. The varied responses were 207. The ratio of men to women was one-on-one and their average age was 46. Half of them had no prior experiences of jogging and 7 out of 10 people have answered that it was going to be the first time that they would challenge a full marathon. On average, they practiced jogging 3 times a week, 1 hour each. The distance of their jogging practice a month was about 150km on average in October and November 2005. The longest distance in the training was 26km per practice. As for their chief purposes of the race, the largest number of people, which accounted for 46%, answered that they would wish to finish in a target time. The average of goal time was 5 hours 29 minutes. Half of the participants answered (their performances were) 'worse than expected'. Likewise, those who commented their running speeds became slower in the latter half of the race, those who walked, and those who felt a lack of their energies roughly accounted for half of the participants. The worst five points of pains that the participants had experienced were in front of thigh, back of thigh, calf, ball of the foot and knee, and most of them began to feel these pains after they reached 20km. On the following morning of the race, fewer people expressed that they had had a fever, a headache or a diarrhea. On the other hand, two third felt muscle soreness in the front of their thighs, while half felt muscle soreness in their calf. Moreover, one out of three participants felt pains in their knees. It is found that whether one has practiced long distance or not before the race is one of the prime factors for causing physical pains during the race. Compared to those who had practiced more than 30km, those who had practiced less than 21.5km tended to feel more pains in thighs, knees, calf, and bottoms of their foot and so forth after they reached 20km. It is pointed out that sleeping time of the day before the race has had no obvious influence upon the performance of the race.
- 徳島大学大学開放実践センター紀要
徳島大学大学開放実践センター紀要 17 55-88, 2007-08
徳島 : 徳島大学大学開放実践センター
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050583647831720064
- NII Article ID
- 110006487354
- NII Book ID
- AN10362515
- 09158685
- 9274389
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles