台湾における新住民子女の教育の現状と課題 ─外国につながりをもつ子どもの教育保障の在り方に着目して─


  • A Study of Educational Issues on New Immigrant Children in Taiwan ― On the View Point of Educational Support for Foreign Children ―
  • タイワン ニ オケル シン ジュウミン シジョ ノ キョウイク ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ : ガイコク ニ ツナガリ オ モツ コドモ ノ キョウイク ホショウ ノ アリカタ ニ チャクモク シテ



This article considered the present conditions and problems whether Taiwanese government educated them under any logic for the children called “New Immigrants’ children ” who have a parent emigrated to Taiwan for the purpose of marriage from the foreign countries, especially South-East Asia. If new immigrant children for the childhood period grow up in South East Asian countries, they frequently face with both difficult problems of Chinese education and mother tongue education after the elementary school entrance. Although Taiwanese government carried out and offered many educational support measures for them, it put the aim of support on making much account of the economic aspects and contribution in the future of Taiwanese society rather than the human rights for them. In addition, about of the educational supports for them, there were the criticism from the indigenous people including the same minority race. It may be said that the realization of the idea such as society of the many culture symbiosis that Taiwanese government aims at is difficult if I cannot handle such a problem.


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