

  • Changes in Local Society Caused by the Introduction of Self-Government in Late-Qing Period Suzhou: The Case of Baohuang Reports Related to Flood Damage
  • シンマツ ソシュウ ニ オケル チホウ ジチ ノ ドウニュウ ト キソウ シャカイ ノ ヘンカ スイガイ ハッセイジ ノ ホウコウ オ ツウジテ



Throughout the Qing Period prefectural (zhou-xian 州県) administrators played a very important role in dynastic rule over the people. However, under the reforms instituted beginning in 1901 during the Guangxu 光緒 Era, drastic changes were implemented in the administration of the most basic echelons of society at the local level. In particular, in January 1909 the Constitution Drafting Office (Xianzheng Biancha Guan 憲政編査館) submitted to the emperor Procedures for Regional Autonomy in Cheng, Zhen and Xiang Districts (城鎭鄕地方自治章程), which led to a system for self-government in sub-prefectural administrative districts. In Sushu 蘇属, Jiangsu江蘇 Province, which included the prefecture of Suzhou 蘇州, which is the geographical focus of the present article, local autonomous agencies run by local gentry almost immediately began to serve the community. The aim of the article is to investigate exactly what changes were brought about in local society by the introduction of self-government through a discussion of the kind of social instability brought about by the occurrence of floods at the time. Throughout the period, on the occasion of crop failure brought on by natural disasters it was the custom to implement tax exemptions called beizai-juanmian 被災蠲免, which were often requested by the victims in the form of reports (baohuang 報荒) submitted to the prefectural authorities. The author takes up incidents of flood damage in Suzhou in 1906 and 1911, before and after the implementation of regional administrative reforms and the inception of local self-government. In 1906, it was the local bureaucracy under the dynasty-appointed governor-general who maintained order during the flooding, including the conventional response for the local authorities to implement the beizai-juanmian exemption. During the flooding that occurred in 1911, however, the author shows an increase in the importance of the self-governance authorities and a concomitant decrease on the part of prefectural administrators in dealing with baohuang submitted from the victims; however, regarding the actual measures taken to combat the flooding, the extent of the political and administrative influence exerted by Jiangsu governor Cheng Dequan 程徳全 remained the same as before local autonomy was instituted.


  • 東洋学報

    東洋学報 92 (3), 311-341, 2010-12


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