今大学に求められていること ~青年期からみた大学教育・副専攻・入学者選抜の観点から~

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  • What is needed for university education? ---Three points of view: general education for adolescence, minor education at a university, and university entrance examination---
  • イマ ダイガク ニ モトメラレテ イル コト : セイネンキ カラ ミタ ダイガク キョウイク ・ フクセンコウ ・ ニュウガクシャ センバツ ノ カンテン カラ




This paper overview what is expected of university level of education from three points of view: general education for adolescence, minor education at a university, and university entrance examination. Education system is required to reform for preventing COVID-19 infections. From 2020, education system suddenly has to start online education system. First, in Chapter 1, Ozawa discusses the two purposes of education. He also discusses students' performance. The university level of education has two goals: specialized studies and liberal arts. Specialized studies are regarded as practical training for economic improvement in Japan. On the contrary, liberal arts aims at self-growth of each student. The paper illustrates three comments from the students he has in his class. It is found out that the students regard the purpose of the practical science as a world view. They also regard the liberal arts are for their self-understandings, which is a term of psychology. In Chapter 2, Yuka Shigemitsu focuses on'Plus One program'for the department of Engineering at Tokyo Polytechnic University. Students can take course of'Plus One program as a minor. The program includes 'Sports Science, Arts and Engineering, and International Communication. Since she is in charge of 'International Communication, she picks up the International communication program and discusses the courses that the program contains. The program is supported by sociolinguistics and pragmatics. She points out that the knowledge of language use will be helpful for students to be aware of international problems. In Chapter 3, Saito discusses the future of university admissions in the era of AI by examining prevention of admissions'fraud and the reform of university admissions'system. Each chapter includes the discussion after the change in the education system after COVID-19 started to spread.




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