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- Other Title
- ATP ノ ケンシュツ オ リヨウ シタ コウコウ ナイ ノ エイセイ ジョウタイ ノ ハンテイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ(ダイ2ホウ)ダエキ ノ ATP ソクテイ カラ ミタ ハ ミガキトウ ガ イ ノ ヒカク ケントウ
- The assessment of oral hygiene with the ATP detection test (Part 2) : A comparative study of tooth brushing and gargling-related variation using the salivary ATP
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In a previous study, we have suggested that the salivary ATP swab test provides a simple and valid method to establish oral hygiene. (The assessment of oral hygiene with the ATP detection test : A comparative study of tooth brushing and garglerelated variation using the salivary ATP swab test) The purpose of the current study is to assess oral hygiene before and after tooth-brushing followed by either rinsing and gargling three times with 150 mL tap water or twice with 150 mL saline. Saliva ATP values were 4.12 and 2.98 times higher than the baseline after first rinsing and gargling with tap water and saline, respectively. In addition, after second rinsing and gargling either with tap water or saline, the ATP values were close to those of the saliva before tooth-brushing. Moreover, after third rinsing and gargling with tap water, the ATP value was lower prior to tooth-brushing. Significant difference was found in comparing the mean ATP values in saliva. First rinsing and gargling with saline increased ATP values, whereas, the second rinsing and gargling decreased ATP values to below the pre-rinsing baseline, although the difference was not statistically significant. Thus, the saliva was contaminated by tooth-brushing, however, it was considered possible that rinsing off with more than 300 mL liquid can remove debris stagnant in the oral cavity.
- 福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要
福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要 18 1-9, 2016-03
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050865817813616384
- NII Article ID
- 110010050719
- NII Book ID
- AA11332358
- 13446975
- 027250105
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles