Author,Title,Edition,Publisher,Year,Series,Number,ISBN,ISSN,URL "Bottome, Phyllis and Churchill, Winston and Eden, Anthony and Cripps, Stafford and Gregory, Richard and Beveridge, William and Acland, Richard and Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Wallace, Henry A. and Hull, Cordell and Winant, John G. and Wells, Sumner and Perkins, Milo and Appleby, Paul H. and Agar, Herbert and Buck, Pearl S.","Our new order -- or Hitler's? : a selection of speeches by Winston Churchill, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Anthony Eden, Sir Stafford Crippes, Sir Richard Gregory, Sir William Beveridge, Sir Richard Acland, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Henry A. Wallace, Cordell Hull, John G. Winant, Sumner Wells, Milo Perkins, Paul H. Appleby, Herbert Agar and Pearl S. Buck.",,Penguin Books,1943,Penguin special,,,,