著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL "Harrison, Frank Llewellyn and Browne, John, fl. ca. and Kellyk, Hugh, fl. late 15th cent and Lambe, Walter, ca.after 1504 and Sturton, fl. early 16th cent and Wilkinson, Robert, ca.ca. 1515 and Horwood, William, d. ca. 1484 and Davy, Richard, ca. and Cornysh, William, d. 1523 and Sutton, John, fl. late 15th cent and Hacomplaynt, Robert, 1455 or and Huchyn, Nicholas, ca.ca. 1519 and Fayrfax, Robert and Hygons, Richard, ca.ca. 1509 and Hampton, John, ca.after 1520 and Banaster, Gilbert, ca. and Fawkyner, fl. ca. 1480 and Turges, Edmund and Nesbet, John, d. ca. 1488 and Stratford, William, fl. 15th/16th cent and Holynborne, fl. late 15th cent",The Eton choirbook,"2nd, rev. ed","published for the Musica Britannica Trust established by the Royal Musical Association, Stainer and Bell",1967,Musica Britannica : a national collection of music,,0852494106,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130000795145527296