著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL "Symposium on Magnetic and Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons by Metals and Rowland, T. J. (Theodore Justin) and Beck, Paul, A. and Metallurgical Society of AIME. Alloy Phases Committee","Magnetic and inelastic scattering of neutrons by metals : Los Angels, Calif., February 22, 1967, based on a symposium sponsored by the Alloy Phases Committee of the Institute of Metals Division, the Metallurgical Society, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical",,Gordon and Breach,1968,Metallurgical Society conferences,,,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130000797162666752