著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL "Alanus, J. and Andrieu, F. and Anthonello, de Caserta, 14th/15th cent and Bartolino, da Padova, fl. and Borlet, 14th cent and Ciconia, Johannes, ca. and Conradus, de Pistoja, 14th/15th cent and Cuvelier, Jo, fl. and De Landes and Donatus and Egidius, and Fabri, Martinus and Andrieu, F., 14th cent and Galiot, Johannes, fl. and Garinus and Goscalch and Grenon, Nicolas, ca. and Grimace, fl. and Guido and Hasprois, Johannes Symonis, d. 1428 and Hymbert de Salinis and Haucourt, Johannes, -after 1416 and Johannes, de Janua, 14th/15th cent and Johannes, de Meruco, 14th cent",Ascribed Compositions,,American Institute of Musicology,1970,Corpus mensurabilis musicae,,,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130000797202713984