著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL "Reaney, Gilbert and Adam, fl. and Bosquet, -before 1406 and Briquet, fl. early 15th century and Cameraco, fl. and Cardot, ca. and Charité, Jean and Coutreman, Jacobus and Francus, de Insula, fl. and Gallo, R., fl. and Hasprois, Johannes Symonis, d. 1428 and Haucourt, Johannes, -after 1416 and La Beausse, fl. early 15th century and Lebertoul, Franchois and Grant, Guillaume Le and Grant, Johannes Le and Libert, Gautier, fl. and Malbecque, Guillaume, ca. and Tornaco, Passet de and Paullet, fl. ca. and Raulin, de Vaux, 15th cent and Reson, Johannes, fl. ca. and Velut, Gilet","Franchois Lebertoul, Guillaume le Grant, Johannis le Grant, Guillermi Malbecque, Johannis Reson, Gilet Velut",,American Institute of Musicology,1959,Corpus mensurabilis musicae,,,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130000797707876736