Author,Title,Edition,Publisher,Year,Series,Number,ISBN,ISSN,URL "栄, 伸一郎 and 儀我, 美一 and 浜向, 直 and 神保, 秀一 and 久保, 英夫 and 黒田, 紘敏 and 劉, 逸侃 and 眞﨑, 聡 and 小澤, 徹 and 坂上, 貴之 ( 数理解析) and 津田谷, 公利 and Proceedings of Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations",Proceedings of 48th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations,,"Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University",2023,Hokkaido University technical report series in mathematics = 北海道大学数学講究録,,,,