著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL "Blair, Patrick, d. 1728","Osteographia elephantina : or, a full and exact description of all the bones of an elephant, which died near Dundee, April the 27th, 1706, with their several dimensions. To which are premis'd, 1. An historical account of the natural endowments, and several wonderful performances of elephants, with the manner of taking and taming them. 2. A short anatomical account of their parts. And added, 1. An exact account of the weight of all the bones of this elephant. 2. The method us'd in preparing and mounting the skeleton. 3. Four large copper plates, wherein are represented the figures of the stuff'd skin, and prepared skeleton, as they now stand in the Publick Hall of Rarities at Dundee with the separated bones in several views and other parts of this elephant. In a letter to Dr. Hans Sloane",,Readex Microprint,1978,Landmarks II,,,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130282268744304000