著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL "中根, 不覊雄","Law for special measures concerning civil cases to implement administrative agreement under article III of the security treaty between Japan and the United States of America (law no. 121, April 28, 1952) ; Law for application to the United Nations forces of the law for special measures concerning civil cases (law no. 150, June 1, 1954) ; Alien land law (law no. 42, April 1, 1925) ; Law concerning foreigner's hypothec (law no. 67, March 16, 1899) ; Law concerning the computation of age (law no. 50, December 2, 1902) ; Law concerning the computing of age (law no. 96, May 24, 1949) ; Law relating to standing timbers (law no. 22, April 5, 1909) ; Law relating to preferential right on standing timbers (law no. 56, April 16, 1910)",,Eibun-horei-sha,1954,EHS law bulletin series,,,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130282268843160704