著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL "IFIP TC11 WG11.1/WG11.2 Annual Working Conference on Information Security Management & Small Systems Security and Eloff, Jan H. P and Labuschagne, Les and Solms, Rossouw von and Dhillon, Gurpreet","Advances in information security management & small systems security : IFIP TC11 WG11.1/WG11.2 eigth Annual Working Conference on Information Security Management & Small Systems Security, September 27-28, 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA",,Kluwer Academic,2001,The International Federation for Information Processing,,0792375068,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130282269863443584