著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL United Nations. Statistical Commission and United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe,Correspondence table between the international standard industrial classification of all economic activities of the United Nations (ISIC) and the classification of branches of the national economy of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CBNE) = [Tablit︠s︡a perevoda kategoriĭ mezhdunarodnoĭ standartnoĭ otraslevoĭ klassifikat︠s︡ii vsekh vidov ėkonomicheskoĭ dei︠a︡telʹnosti (MSOK) i klassifikat︠s︡ii otrasleĭ narodnogo khozi︠a︡ĭstva Soveta ėkonomicheskoĭ vzaimopomoshchi (KONKh)],,United Nations,1986,Statistical standards and studies,,9210161823,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130282270408104704