著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL "International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging and Berkhout, A. J. and Ridder, J. and Wal, L. F. van der and Powers, John P. and Ash, E. A. (Eric A.) and Hill, C. R. and Keveh, M and Müller, Robert Karl and Greenleaf, James F. and Jones, Hugh W. and Kessler, Lawrence W. and 清水, 洋 and 中鉢, 憲賢 and 櫛引, 淳一 and Lee, Hua and Wade, Glen and Ermert, Helmut and Harjes, Hans-Peter and Wei, Yu and Gu, Benli and Jones, Joie P. and Tortoli, Piero and Masotti, Leonardo",Acoustical imaging,,Plenum Press,1980,,,"0306407256,0306409887,0306412470,0306417170,0306420945,0306425653,0306430118,0306431505,030643900X,0306441985,0306445859,0306450097,0306453649,0306457687,0306465183,0306465167,0306473402,1402024010,9781402057205,9781402088223,9789048132546,9789400726185",,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130282272205336960