Author,Title,Edition,Publisher,Year,Series,Number,ISBN,ISSN,URL "Pesson, P. (Paul) and Toutain, F. and Reisinger, O. and Arpin, P. and Ponge, J. -F. and Vannier, G. and Duchaufour, Ph. and Quézel, P. (Pierre) and Timbal, Jean and Aussenac, G. and Debazac, E. -F. and Brosset, M. (Marie-Félicité) and Blondel, J. and Louarn, H. le and Cuisin, M. and Saint-Girons, H. and Bons, J. and Dajoz, Roger and Blandin, P. and Christophe, T. and Garay, I. and Geoffroy, J. -J.","Actualités d'écologie forestière : sol, flore, faune",,Gauthier-Villars,1980,Formation permanente en écologie et biologie,,204010710X,,