著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL "United States. Bureau of Mines and Geological Survey (U.S.) and McCaskey, H. D. and Burchard, E. F. and Day, David T. and Parker, Edward W. and Thom, W. T. and Clark, Martha B. and Katz, Frank J. and Davis, Hubert W. and Heikes, V. C. and Coons, A. T. and Young, W. H. and Corse, J. M. and Dunlop, J. P. and Kiessling, O. E.",Mineral resources of the United States,,U.S. G.P.O.,1891,,,,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130282272560337664