著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL ,"Englands lamentable slaverie : proceeding from the arbitrarie will, severitie, and injustnes of kings, negligence, corruption, and unfaithfulnesse of parliaments, coveteousnesse, ambition. and variablenesse of priests, and simplicitie, carelesnesse, and cowardlinesse of people. Which slaverie, with the remedie may be easily observed. By the scope of a modest & smooth letter, written by a true lover of his countrey and a faithfull friend to that worthy instrument of Englands freedome, Lievten. Collonell Lilburn, now unjustlie imprisoned in Newgate. Being committed first, by order and vote of Parliament without cause shewed, and then secondly for refusing to answer upon interrogatories to their committee of examinations, contrarie to 1. The great charter of England. 2. The very words of the Petition of right. 3. The act made this present Parliament; for the abolishing the Star-Chamber. ...",,[s.n.],,Letter to a friend & other 46 items concerning Lilburne,,,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130282273201753472