著者名,書名,版表示,出版者名,出版年,シリーズ名,番号,ISBN,ISSN,URL 工業技術院地質調査所,豊橋-尾鷲海域空中磁気図 = Total intensity aeromagnetic map off the coast of Toyohashi-Owase area ; 尾鷲-串本海域空中磁気図 = Total intensity aeromagnetic map off the coast of Owase-Kushimoto area ; 紀伊水道海域空中磁気図 = Total intensity aeromagnetic map off the coast of Kiisuidō area ; 串本-室戸海域空中磁気図 = Total intensity aeromagnetic map off the coast of Kushimoto-Muroto area ; 室戸-足摺海域空中磁気図 = Total intensity aeromagnetic map off the coast of Muroto-Ashizuri area ; 足摺-延岡海域空中磁気図 = Total intensity aeromagnetic map off the coast of Ashizuri-Nobeoka area ; 延岡-宮崎海域空中磁気図 = Total intensity aeromagnetic map off the coast of Nobeoka-Miyazaki area ; 日南-佐多岬海域空中磁気図 = Total intensity aeromagnetic map off the coast of Nichinan-Satamisaki area,,地質調査所,1977,空中磁気図 = Total intensity aeromagnetic maps,,,,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1130282273248643200