Author,Title,Journal,ISSN,Publisher,Date,Volume,Number,Page,URL,URL(DOI) Mark Lachmann and Elena Rippen and Tibor Schuster and Erion Xhepa and Moritz von Scheidt and Costanza Pellegrini and Teresa Trenkwalder and Tobias Rheude and Anja Stundl and Ruth Thalmann and Gerhard Harmsen and Shinsuke Yuasa and Heribert Schunkert and Adnan Kastrati and Karl-Ludwig Laugwitz and Christian Kupatt and Michael Joner,Subphenotyping of Patients With Aortic Stenosis by Unsupervised Agglomerative Clustering of Echocardiographic and Hemodynamic Data,JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions,1936-8798,Elsevier BV,2021-10,14,19,2127-2140,,